Friday, November 27, 2009


The sky is dark and the air is icy
But my heart is all aflutter.
I stand outside unjacketed and dicey
And pay no attention to my shivers and shutters.
I know they'll be here in a twinkle,
With lofty descension and lightness of being
To paint the town sprinkle by sprinkle
In an ivory dust that sends me fleeing.
Their motif is magical and they leave the fields aglitter
Preserving Autumn Joys in bulwarks, perfect and chrystalline.
Urging indoors all of nature's warm-blooded critters
To gather around the fireplace both warm and serene,
Where the smell of fir and pine runs down the chase,
Transforming the livingroom into a Shakespearian pastoral
Where the signs of turmoil and chaos melt, erase,
And charming simplicity takes over in full.
Families are at peace over a hot homemade meal
Of roasts, potatoes, carrots, corn, and fresh dinner rolls
All talking wildly in this new life of surreal,
In which all that's on display are true inner-souls.
Brilliant eyes shimmer down on wide white smiles
That emanate laughter the flakes can hear from the front door,
For this they travelled south tens of thousands of miles,
To remind us that the best things are things of yore.
I wrap my arms around my chest and let my prayers linger,
The flakes only fall if the circumstances are just right,
And waiting for snowfall can be such a disappointing wringer,
So I'll cross my fingers and wear my pajamas inside out tonight.

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